Professional Car Accident Lawyer in Augusta, Georgia

A car accident in Augusta can be caused by the negligence of other drivers.  Such negligence can include Ignoring stop signs and other traffic control devices, speeding, driving while intoxicated,  driving unsafely in hazardous weather. At Nichols Injury Law, we specialize in fighting for people who have been injured in car accidents in Augusta.

According to the National Safety Council, In 2019, an estimated 38,800 people lost their lives to car crashes. About 4.4 million people were injured seriously enough to require medical attention in crashes last year. Many common injuries that can result from a car accident include traumatic brain injury due to whiplash or even striking your head on the steering wheel.

No honest lawyer can accurately predict the financial value of your case. If one does try to guess “what your case is worth”, then run! The amount of a settlement can vary substantially, depending on where the accident occurred, alongside the facts of the case itself. Various factors like hospital bills, car repair bills, and quotes from mechanics are used to determine the cost of an accident and what in most cases insurance companies will pay to resolve the claim.

Car accident

Get a Free Consultation with a Car Accident Lawyer in Augusta

As your advocate, Nichols Injury Law will  will focus on building your case by gathering evidence, consulting with experts, and negotiating with the insurance company so you can focus on getting your moving forward with your life and putting this nightmare behind you. If it is necessary, Nichols Injury Law is fully prepared to take your case to trial within Augusta and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Contact Us now so that we can begin fighting for you and your loved ones.

What Causes A Car Accident?

  • Ignoring stop signs and traffic lights,
  • Speeding
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Failing to pay attention to surroundings
  • Driving unsafely for a given weather condition
  • Failing to signal before turning or changing lanes; and
  • Failing to yield to opposite traffic.

What types of damages can victims and their families expect when involved in a Car Wrecks?

No amount of money can fully compensate someone for the pain they suffer as a result of a another driver’s negligence. You need a firm that has experience trying these types of cases in court before real juries, not just settling them for pennies on the dollar.

After a car accident, 2 types of damages can be awarded to you. Those types are general damages and special damages. Damages refer to the money awarded in a case.

General Damages

General damages include things such as: When you file your claim, you are suing for negligence that caused damages to you and your belongings. But it isn’t that simple because there are several different damages to consider.

General damages encompass physical injuries that you suffered as a result of the wreck. These do not include damages to personal property. Instead, the defendant must provide compensation for any pain and suffering that you feel.

  • Loss of Consortium
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Disfigurement
  • Mental Trauma

Anything that negatively affects your quality of life is liable to be under the umbrella of general damages. The difficult part is adding up a sum or compensation.

Nichols Injury Law can quickly create an estimate for physical property. But assessing how much your physical health is worth can be difficult to appraise.

These damages are subjective, so they may take time to determine. Remember that you can also suffer severe mental trauma.

Never assume that your injuries can ONLY be physical. Many times people suffer mentally as well. According to reports, PTSD from car crashes can arise nearly thirty days post-accident.

Special Damages

These include things such as physical property or medical bills. If your accident puts you in the hospital, then the defendant is responsible for covering any expenses you acquire while admitted.

Physical damages also include:

  • Vehicle repairs
  • Damaged property repairs
  • Compensation for irreplaceable items

Whether it is medical bills or car repairs, these damages are easier to calculate than general damages when deciding upon an estimate.

Your well-being is our top priority

At Nichols Injury Law, we take your injury personally

Were you or someone you know injured in an accident due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness? If yes, you are eligible to receive compensation for your medical bills, work loss, lost wages, pain, and suffering.

To do so, you need to take the help of a professional Atlanta personal injury lawyer who will fight for the compensation you deserve.

how we work

lawyer case interview


Your memory is strong immediately after the severe incident. That is why we begin our representation by conducting a thorough interview where we discuss the facts of the case and learn of any additional facts or witnesses.

investigation process


We perform our own investigation by obtaining police reports, witness statements, photographs, and other key information to prepare your case.

case review

expert review

We work with licensed and experienced medical professionals to fully understand the extent of your injuries and any future pain and suffering.

budget negotiation


The firm will handle all discussions about your case with the insurance company and their lawyers. This allows you to focus solely on your rehabilitation.

trial court


Finally, if the insurance company is unwilling to make a fair offer, then our firm will take your case to trial in order to get the maximum compensation that you and your loved ones deserve.