Nichols injury law blog

Should I Talk To The Insurance Company After A Car Wreck?

When a person suffers an injury in a car wreck the first question is typically: who is at fault?

In a car accident. Insurance companies are not charitable organizations; therefore, they are focused on protecting their financial interests. This often happens by denying as many claims as they can or convincing injured people (like you) to settle their case for less than what it’s worth.

(seriously, don’t do it.)

Talking to an insurance adjuster after an car wreck is a bad idea. Oftentimes it will lead disastrous results. Insurance adjustors are looking out for their company’s profits, not for you or your injuries.

Once an insurance company learns about the wreck, it will open an investigation to determine which party was at fault. It assigns an insurance adjuster to the case. Sometimes the insurance company will accept liability for the wreck, but then try to convince you that you share a portion of fault for the wreck and will deduct 30% from the settlement amount. Many times, the overall settlement offer may be less than the actual damages that you suffered. Again, because the insurance adjuster works for the insurance company, it does not have an incentive to help you get more money. Insurance adjusters may act friendly toward tyou and may pretend to be concerned about your injuries, but really this is done so that you will slip up and say something that hurts your case.

Show me the money!

In 2018, State Farm took in $42.7 billion in auto insurance premiums but paid out just $31.2 billion on auto claims last year. That’s $11.5 billion in profit they made by denying rightful claims such as yours.

So what’s the risk of talking to Insurance Adjusters?

Insurance adjusters will try to get info to use it against you and your case. Most people have no idea what tactics that insurance adjusters will use to protect the profits of the company. They may feel open communicating information with the adjuster until they realize that what they have said is being used against them. People are naturally inclined to be honest and to expect to be treated in a fair manner. Often, insurance adjusters will ask you to make a recorded statement. You’ll naturally want to be honest about everything; however, later at trial, the insurance company will try to show that there are inconsistent statements between the recorded statement and the testimony at trial. The lawyer representing the insurance company will attempt to use this contradiction to make the jury question your credibility and rule for the insurance company.

Why do you need Nichols Injury Law to fight for you?

When you’ve been injured in a car wreck you need someone to be your advocate and to stand up against the insurance company. The insurance adjustor is not your friend. That adjustor is looking to protect the insurance company’s profits, not you or your family. You need a lawyer who has years of experience fighting back in and out of the courtroom.

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